Writing the Unreal: A Speculative Fiction Workshop


The best works of speculative fiction aren’t just imaginative, they’re immersive. As spec fic writers, we want readers to sink into our stories, to sense the “truth” of the tale, no matter the strangeness of the setting or situation. So how can we create emotionally round, authentic characters who exist in fantastical worlds? How can we conjure alien settings and elements that feel real?

 In this two-day course, we will consider some practical approaches to writing speculative fiction. We’ll consider various elements of craft, including point of view, characterization, dialogue, plot, and structure, and we’ll talk about how to strengthen these elements in our own fiction, examining excerpts from writers like Octavia Butler, Ted Chiang, George Saunders, and Kelly Link for guidance. We’ll also dive into the nitty-gritty of world-building, considering concrete strategies for exposition.

A good chunk of each day will be devoted to generative writing exercises, so come prepared to write, share, and revel in the breadth of our collective imagination. In addition to offering deep dives into the craft of speculative fiction, this course will give you concrete strategies for generating new, fantastical ideas and putting pen to paper.

 Whether you’re in the midst of writing a sprawling fantasy saga or you’re only just dipping a toe in spec fic’s unreal waters, you’re welcome to join this course. You’ll need a pen, a notepad, and a willingness to play.

In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts.

Middle Grade
Science Fiction
Short Story
Speculative Fiction
Young Adult
Ren Arcamone photo
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