Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and class size is limited to 12. It is a good idea to register early.

You may enroll in only one workshop per week or weekend. You may, however, enroll in as many weeks or weekends as you like. Weeklong and weekend workshops do not overlap. 

All workshops are noncredit. Auditors or other nonparticipating visitors are not permitted.

Workshop Fees

Fees for weeklong workshops include a light dinner on the Sunday evening of registration, a reception Monday evening, and dinner Thursday evening. Weekend fees include a Saturday morning continental breakfast.

Housing and most meal costs are not included in workshop fees.

  • Weeklong workshop
    The fee for a weeklong course is $875.00. Payment in full is required to register. $275 of your payment is a nonrefundable deposit.
  • Weekend workshop
    The fee for a weekend course is $425. Payment in full is required to register. $125 of your payment is a nonrefundable deposit.

Receive $25 off one weekend workshop for every weeklong workshop in which you enroll. Discounts may not be transferred or combined.

Don't forget your coupon!

​If you plan to register for both a weeklong and a weekend workshop, register for your weeklong workshop first! You'll receive a "Catalog Enrollment Confirmation" email from Canvas Catalog that includes a $25-off discount code to use when you register for your weekend workshop.

Payment must accompany registration. The University of Iowa accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express.

Note: Your credit card payment will be processed by an external provider and will appear on your credit card statement as “UI Writing—Magid Center.”

Transfer policy

If you wish to transfer to another workshop after you have registered, there will be a nonrefundable processing charge of $50 for each transfer, provided the transfer is at least ten days prior to the start date of your workshop. Thereafter, the nonrefundable fee to transfer is $150. Note: Transfers are not permitted once the workshop is underway.

Deadlines for transfers follow the schedule below.

Cancellation policy

If you must cancel your registration, and the cancellation is at least ten days prior to the start date of your workshop, we will refund your payment minus your nonrefundable deposit. You will forfeit your deposit for each workshop for which you are registered and cancel. If you must cancel within the ten days preceding your workshop for any reason, you will forfeit your entire payment.

A schedule for refunds (minus nonrefundable deposits) appears below.

If we cancel a workshop

If we must cancel a workshop due to insufficient enrollments, we will do so at least two weeks before the workshop begins. You will have the opportunity to transfer to another workshop without penalty or cancel your registration and receive a full refund.

We are not able to make exceptions to the cancellation and transfer policies.

You must cancel/transfer your registration by 12:00 noon on the deadline date.

Workshop Starting DateRefund/Transfer Deadline
June 15Thursday, June 5
June 21 (weekend)Thursday, June 12
June 22Thursday, June 12
July 13Thursday, July 3
July 19 (weekend)Thursday, July 10
July 20Thursday, July 10

Community policy

The Iowa Summer Writing Festival is a community built on an assumption of shared enterprise, in the spirit of mutual respect.

We reserve the right to:  (a) revoke the registration of or (b) dismiss from the program any person who disrupts the learning/working environment of others. 

Participants in the Festival are subject to all University of Iowa policies governing conduct in our community, whether online or in person.


The Iowa Summer Writing Festival is a program for adults. You must be at least 18 years old to enroll in Festival workshops.

For a list of summer programs for youth at The University of Iowa, visit