An Enormous Eye: Writing the Contemplative Essay
According to art critic Herbert Read, “True art persists as an object of contemplation.” One of the reasons that it has this capacity to hold our attention—like the note of a tuning fork after it has been struck—is that it has been created out of contemplation. The contemplative essay, also called the reflective essay, is characterized by an intense and concentrated focus. The author tends to circle a subject, spiraling away and dropping back to describe it from all angles and to plumb it for further meaning. Contemplative essays seem almost “spiritual” as a result, since they are written out of extreme awareness. They may tackle an explicitly religious experience or turn toward some natural phenomena, drawn by a sense of wonder. Still other essays may gravitate toward, or circle around, their own quirky objects of contemplation: a surgeon’s knife, people leaping out of a burning tower, a memorable song, even the all-familiar act of sighing. We will read from a range of essays, looking for contemplative techniques and searching for our own possible “objects of contemplation.” Writers of all levels are welcome. Our aim is to generate new material that can be workshopped during the time together.
In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts; offer feedback/first impressions on writing you produce in our week.