Promptapalooza 2024: 10 Prompts to Generate 10 Beginnings in 2 Days
Yes! It’s back again! The popular Promptapalooza prompt-a-thon promises to stock you with enough fresh material for 10 narrative essays, stories, or even a book, to flesh out over the months following the class. In an invigorating, supportive, no-pressure environment, we’ll use tested and effective writing prompts to get some “seedlings” planted for further development after the course. We’ll have some time to discuss and share our work each day and get some feedback on how to proceed with the work we’ve generated, as well as get a list of prompts to generate new material at home. Get ready to surprise yourself with your own creativity and reconnect to your love of writing. It’s a fast-moving, exciting, generative class that’s adaptable to nonfiction and fiction writers of any experience level. 10 prompts. 2 days. Let’s do this!
In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts; offer feedback/first impressions on writing you produce in our weekend.