Revision Tactics in Nonfiction
Fiction writers are the ones who get all the sympathy for their struggles with creative angst. But writers of nonfiction—memoirs, reportage, profiles, commentaries, and the like—also know the trials of creating, and completing, a coherent and compelling article or book.
This is the place to bring your tattered beginnings and choked drafts of nonfiction. We will spend the week breathing life into them, using tools that make rewriting a joy instead of a drag. You will be offered practical advice to address your own particular writing challenges. This may involve shaping old prose into something new, bringing order to a disparate array of ideas, or identifying the most engaging theme or approach to take.
Each participant is invited to bring the grubbiest draft in their hard drive. Or anything that you believe has promise: a chapter, a paragraph, a sentence. You’ll leave with a fresh view of your work and a clear path to completing it. This seminar is for both novice and experienced writers.
In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts; offer feedback/first impressions on writing you produce in our week; workshop writing you bring from home.