Why Can't I Put This Book Down? Developing a Distinctive Narrative Voice
Every great writer has different strengths and weaknesses, but the one thing they all have in common is a terrific narrative voice. They somehow pull us in from the first sentence and keep us reading; their words haunt us, seduce us, and often put us through the emotional wringer, lingering in our minds long after the story, novel, poem, or essay is done. How do they do it? What’s their secret? By contrast, many aspiring writers are technically accomplished, yet their words simply don’t resonate in the same way. A vital spark seems to be missing; there’s no magic on the page.
In this class, we’ll explore what makes a spellbinding and unique narrative voice. We’ll spend a lot of our time together doing in-class exercises, but we’ll also take a close look at writers who are masters of the craft, and why so many readers find them amazing and inspiring. It will be a whirlwind couple of days, with lots of writing, reading, and talking, but by the end of the weekend you’ll hopefully have found at least one new, powerful, and beautiful voice of your very own. Open to all levels and genres.
In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts; offer feedback/first impressions on writing you produce in our weekend.