Inside-Out: The Suggestive Art of Implication
A teasing, slightly elliptical way of saying “yes,” a loaded gesture, an enigmatic smile, a picture in place of a thousand words: the meaning of a story doesn’t have to be spelled out in black and white, and shouldn’t be; at the heart of showing, instead of telling, is leaving readers something to chew on. Already, you’ll have a good guess as to what this intense weekend session will be about: we’ll look at tried and true techniques for suggesting what is best left unsaid, and will apply them to our own works. We’ll be generating new material, but will also do an exercise that involves editing a draft of something you’ve been working on, so plan to bring a story or short section of a longer work. Open to writers of all kinds of fiction and nonfiction.
In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts; workshop writing you bring from home.