Patricia Foster
Patricia Foster is the author of All the Lost Girls (PEN Award), Just beneath My Skin, Girl from Soldier Creek (SFA Novel Award), Written in the Sky: Lessons of a Southern Daughter (Hall-Waters Prize for Distinguished Southern Writing), and a forthcoming memoir, The New World. She is the editor of four anthologies, including Minding the Body: Women Writers on Body and Soul. She has received a Pushcart Prize, a Clarence Cason Award, a Theodore Hoepfner Award, a Dean’s Scholar Award, a Florida Arts Council Award, a Yaddo Fellowship, and a Carl Klaus Teaching Award, and was a juror for the Windham-Campbell Literature Prize in Nonfiction (Yale University). She graduated from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and was a professor in the MFA Program in Nonfiction at the University of Iowa for over 25 years. She has also taught writing in France, Australia, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Spain.