Getting Past Go! Starting Your Memoir
In this generative weekend workshop, we’ll read a range of work by published memoirists, learning strategies to pull a reader in and jumpstart the vivid, urgent story only you can tell. As we read, we’ll write our own beginnings, and by the end of day one, you’ll have up to six starts to your memoir. You’ll take at least one of these and move forward; or you may decide to merge the many openings into the first pages of the book to follow. We’ll workshop your pages on day two. Overall, you can expect to be writing a lot and reading a lot. We’ll read optimistically, helping one another find the book that will get past go. This weekend will be useful for those just starting out, those with a project in mind, and those already in process. All genres are welcome.
In this workshop, we will generate new writing through guided exercises and prompts.