Suzanne Scanlon
Suzanne Scanlon is the author of Committed: On Meaning and Madwomen (2024); Her 37th Year, An Index (2015); and Promising Young Women (2012). Scanlon’s fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Granta, BOMB, Fence, The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. She has received fellowships from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Ox-Bow Artists’ Residency, and the Ragdale Foundation.

Getting Past Go! Starting Your Memoir
In this generative weekend workshop, we’ll read a range of work by published memoirists, learning strategies to pull a reader in and jumpstart the vivid, urgent story only you can tell. As we read, we’ll write our own beginnings, and by the end of day one, you’ll have up to six starts to your memoir...

Writing Grief and Loss
Many of us come to the page out of grief, loss, or heartbreak; we write to make sense of the impossible, the irreparable. In this workshop, we will read a range of short work by writers who have written themselves around and through and beyond these moments. We’ll find inspiration and let these...

Writing in Fragments: Building Your Book Piece by Piece
Whether fiction or memoir or something in between, many powerful works of literature are structured in a fractured, fragmented, nonlinear style. In this course, we will experiment with forms, styles, approaches to time and place, structure, POV, character, and more, all in an attempt to tell (and...