Welcome to the Iowa (Endless) Summer Writing Festival Online!

The Festival is now offering workshops online. These are live (synchronous) courses via Zoom, supported by Canvas Catalog/UI Learn. We couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity this adventure gives us to offer workshops and other programming throughout the year, in a variety of new formats, to longtime friends and newcomers alike.

Get your coffee and pull up a chair. Summer is now all year!

Spring 2025 Online Workshops: Register Now!

Registration for Spring 2025 is open. You can view the course descriptions at the Festival storefront and enroll today!

Registration, fees, and policies

The Iowa Summer Writing Festival online workshops offer a variety of new workshop formats at a range of price points. Fees for each workshop appear in the individual course listings on the Festival Storefront.

Registrations for workshops are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and payment in full is required to register.


Refund & Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your enrollment, please let us know as soon as possible. We can only offer full refunds if you cancel one week prior to the start of class. After that, before the start-date of class, we can offer a 50% refund. We cannot refund day-of cancellations, and we cannot refund or partially refund registration fees once the class has begun.

Terms and Community Policy

The Iowa Summer Writing Festival is a program for adults. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.

The Iowa Summer Writing Festival is a community built on an assumption of shared enterprise, in the spirit of mutual respect. We reserve the right to a) revoke the registration of or b) dismiss from the program any person who disrupts the learning/working environment of others. Participants in the Festival are subject to all University of Iowa policies governing conduct in our community, whether online or in person.

Scholarships available

A gift from the late Ann L. Forsaith, a longtime Iowa Summer Writing Festival participant, enables us to offer a very limited number of one-time, financial-need-based scholarships toward registration fees for a Festival workshop.

View scholarship details

Technical Requirements and Support

Online workshops in the Festival take place on Canvas. This is the online gathering place you’ll go to when you enroll in your workshop and each time your workshop meets. Your Canvas classroom links to Zoom and the live workshop experience.